About Me
Hi there and welcome! My name is Makayla and health, fitness, and our bodies amazing ability to heal have always been a passion of mine. After struggling to recover from an injury, I discovered the power of corrective exercises. As I worked to change how my body moved, to eliminate destructive movement patterns and to build some much-neglected muscles while giving other overused muscles a break, I started to feel better and to heal. I love to be active, to enjoy nature, and to play hard with my canine friends (you’ll see my dog Norman pictured with me in this section) and as my body started to reset, I could do all of these with minimal pain. As computer work continued to be a challenge after the injury, I made the difficult and exciting decision to leave my office job, become a certified Foundation Training instructor, and look to help others conquer pain through lifestyle changes.
Fitness revolving around corrective exercises doesn’t take a lot of time or money, it is very low impact, and after some practice you can do it on your own to feel your best and stand, sit, and move better every day. This is my motivation—to help others recover from injury, age better, learn how to help their bodies thrive during daily activities, and experience physical relief.